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Social Media Content
- by Daniel Costello IV (Feb. 8, 2019)
I read this article just now and thought it was a great idea on why people should have blogs to build SEO and search content. Read this to get a better understand of Social Media Content and why blogs can be a huge assistance to your website and Search Engine Optimization. It also will give you a great understanding on how often you should be posting to these other Social Media Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Website Images
- by Daniel Costello IV (July 16, 2018)
Finding relevant images for your website can be a pain. Here is a list of some of the best stock photography websites to help you find those images and save you some time and money.
Stock Photography Sites:
Website Content
- by Daniel Costello IV (July 12, 2018)
One of the biggest keys to creating a operational website, is creating valuable content. Not only will this benefit your target audience but it will also help your gain ground on your competition within the realm of search engines. This can allow you to acquire more clients and in the end gain you more profit for your overall business.
Think of your website as a valuable asset to your overall company. The more time and effort you put into it, the more return it will give you. Websites and apps (within certain fields) will have huge returns and are a must in this day in age.
Here is a great article on how to create premium website content:
Contact me today if you would like a quick bid for your website.

11 Reasons You Need a New Website
- by Daniel Costello IV (June 24, 2018)
Here is a great article regarding new websites and why you should be upgrading your current business website.
Reasons include the following:
- Website is not mobile friendly
- Website doesn't look good
- Website speed is slow
- SEO ranking is low
- and 7 other reasons

SEO Checklist
- by Daniel Costello IV (May 25, 2018)
Below is great SEO checklist that I find myself going back to on a regular basis. Search Engine Optimzation is ever changing subject and you'll need an expert on your side to stay on top of it. This article will allow you to tackle the basics and get you a very good start.

Website Content
- by Daniel Costello IV (Sept. 20, 2017)
When developing a website, the creator will need to think about what content they will need or want on their website.
First and fore most, the content needs to be relevant and engage the user. If this content does not engage your user and show value, then you have already lost that user. So this needs to be your first goal.
Second, comes the idea of Search Engine Optimization. This idea means that the search engines will scan your website content (all headers, text, image names, etc.) and try to come up with your Keywords. Then when these keywords are searched for in Google, Yahoo, and Bing, they will relay your website.
Third, the more content the better. You will want to have content engaging your audience/users at all times. I always suggest a Blog or News section to new websites because this will give you a place to update content or attract new users with alternate keywords.
Lastly, have fun with it. If you have fun creating your content, usually your readers will have fun reading it.
"Don't Worry, Be Happy!"
-Daniel J. Costello IV

New Blog/News
- by Daniel Costello IV (Sept. 17, 2017)
Welcome to Websites by Daniel LLC's new Blog/News!
This portion of the site will be a place where Websites by Daniel will recommend or give tips for certain subjects in Web Development. If you have any ideas for our next post, please use the Contact Us form or email us at